10 March 2013

The Library...tour continued.

In an attempt to continue on with the ship tour that we've unintentionally been taking a break from...and to give you a glimpse into another part of our home...

Let me introduce you to the Library of the Africa Mercy.  It's located on Deck 5 - just 2 quick flights of steps below our cabin.  Much like the AFM Film Festival, we had heard much about the greatness of the library before ever arriving to the ship.  Our dear friend Mary Lou Maulsby claims that it's the best library on earth -- according to her, "people just leave all these amazing books cause they don't want to haul them home..." her theory is that they need the room for souvenirs.  The library has lived up to the reputation that preceded it.  We like it, that's for sure.

There are 2 rooms - the "main room" and the "back room" (very unofficial names!).

Here are pictures of the "main room" taken from the 4 corners of the room:

And pictures of the "back room" (this room is home to the dvd collection, among other things) - these pictures are taken from the doorway - looking to the left and then to the right:

One other random thing about the library we're thankful for: 

I think they are called "bag books" or "book activity bags"...whatever their name, they are a bag of wonderfulness.  Each bag is based on a book and has activities and ideas for play that all revolve around the book.  For instance, there's one bag based on Noah's Ark -- so there's a book that tells the story of Noah's Ark and there is an animal puzzle and a boat with figures that you can play with and a more "scientific" book about animals (it just leads you to talk about real animals...) and a few other suggested activities that help to teach the story of Noah's Ark. Emma really enjoys is when we pick up one of these bags o' fun.

Yes, we're definitely blessed by the AFM Library -- and all the resources in this library are on top of the Academy Library.  Well, technically, the Academy Library is on deck 6 and the AFM Library is on deck 5 - so it's underneath!).  What great gifts!!

Thank you, God, for the books that line the shelves in this special library.  Thank you for the hands that have held them...thank you for the generosity of those who donated each book.  Thank you for the way You've used these books and other resources to bless, to teach, to refresh, to challenge, to entertain, to encourage so many.  Thank you for a quiet place that provides respite and sometimes even escape for so many here on the ship.  Thank you for Robyn and his diligent hard work and his quiet way of serving the crew here.   

Surely there will be more to come (we've yet to show you the Laundry Room!).

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