03 March 2013

It's fun to have a reason to dress up every now and then

Last night was our very first "Africa Mercy International Film Festival."  We heard about this event before coming to the ship (it has quite the reputation!)....it was fun to get to experience it first hand. 
Of all the Cash's on board, Caroline probably enjoyed it the most...she managed to be in 3 of the 12 films (just quick appearances and such...but 25% of the films - that's not bad).    
'cause of course when we are all dressed decently we need to take a picture...
All crew members were invited to create a 5 minute film and submit it for the Film Festival.  On the night of the festival, the films are shown in the International Lounge for anyone and everyone who wants to come.  There is a host for the evening and a panel of judges.  Some people dress up more than others...I saw one tux and a couple of evening gowns....but, in general, just lots of pretty dresses and nice outfits. 
This year there were all sorts of creative entries...some of the entries ranged from a few lovely ladies dancing all over the place to the song "Dancing Queen" to an amazingly beautiful film called "Velo" to a rather dark entry by a few of the middle school girls to a creative look at "Africa Mercy Problems" courtesy of some of the high school girls.  All 12 of the entries were enjoyable to some degree or another!! We were pretty impressed!

The winner ended up being a hilarious "advertisement" for the Africa Mercy Assisted Living Facility.  A rather clever group of people likened our ship to a retirement community and promoted it as such - it was hilarious (it was so hilarious because, in some ways, the advertisement wasn't too far from the truth!!).  Rumor has it that it may be available on youtube sometime in the near future.  I'm sure you could search for it if you're really interested...

After we viewed the films, there were refreshments in the cafe while we waited for the judges to deliberate and return with their verdicts.  They also showed some of the favorite films from last year's festival. 
Overall, it was an enjoyable evening and a fun tradition to be a part of (and a fun reason to dress up)!  Who knows, maybe next year the Cash Crew will enter a film.  Any ideas?!

Surely there will be more to come!

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