22 September 2013

breaking up. dianna's side of the story.

This isn't relevant to much of anything....just felt the need to make this public information.  

Blogger is my friend (most of the time).  Mailchimp is not my friend (we were on friendly terms before...but not anymore).  I'm kind of kidding...but not really. I know MailChimp has worked for many...but it's just not working for me. 

We've been doing monthly e-newsletters for a while now...honestly, it's one of those things we kind of felt like we "should" do -- people serving overseas send a monthly e-newsletter (right?!  maybe.  maybe not).  But everytime I've worked on them, I've ended up very, very frustrated -- the problem is probably partly me (one of those "picnic" issues "Problem In Chair, Not In Computer")(thanks to Susan Barnes for teaching me that one).  The problem is also partly due to lack of fast internet (ie - lack of patience on my part)....and slow uploads and such.  Another problem is that I always wondered what the "point" of our monthly e-newsletters was...to me it felt like I just repeating things that had already been shared on the blog or I was just directing people to our blog (cause that's the best way to keep up with what's going on with us anyway!)

As of today, it's official.  Mailchimp and I are breaking up. The space to "sign up for our e-updates" will be removed (with joy).  I'll throw away my box of Mailchimp memorabilia (just kidding...that doesn't exist).  I will say this:  if any of you want to date Mailchimp, I would still highly recommend it.  It really wasn't Mailchimp, it was me.

Just felt the need to make that public.

We'll still send out some emails - maybe even more regularly than we have.  They just won't have fabulous formatting (and I won't be able to track who opened them...)(I didn't need to know that anyway!).  If you want to receive those, let me know (send us an email cashcrewship@gmail.com and I'll add you to the list).

If you really want to receive things in your inbox from us, feel free to "follow" our blog ("join this site")-- you should get notification when new content is added.

Whatever it looks like...we hope that the glimpses you get of the goings-on of the Cash Family will somehow bless, encourage, strengthen and remind you that you are a part of what the Lord is doing off the coast of Congo onboard the Africa Mercy!

Surely there will be more to come (hopefully more meaningful and relevant content than this particular post).

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