We've been asked LOTS of questions these past four weeks. It's a good thing we like questions (and we really do like questions!!!!).
Emma was asked "How old are you?" so many times that she just started holding up 3 fingers anytime a new person came onto the scene.
Here are our answers to a few of the most frequently asked questions and some of the questions that were asked that we really really liked (and a few questions that amused us greatly) (you can decide which is which).
In no particular order...
#1 - How's life on the ship? It's good. We miss our home here in GA but we know that the Africa Mercy is our home now. It's an honor to get to be a small part of what God's doing in West Africa. We're slowly making friendships and learning what it means to be part of a community in ways that we've never known before. The kids have adjusted well and really enjoy the ship and especially the Academy.
#2 - How's the food? It's good! Surprisingly good! The Galley really does a great job of fixing food for so many people...it's tasty and there's a variety of mostly familiar foods but there's the chance to try new things, too....and there's always a peanut butter & jelly or grilled cheese option for the kids.
#3 - Do you all sleep in one room on the ship? No...there are 2 rooms for the kids (one for eli, one for the girls) and we have our room (which also happens to serve as our living room, dining room, play room...)
#4 - What's one of the funniest things that happened to you while you were in Africa? A monkey tried to pull down my (dianna) running shorts (and partially succeeded).
#5 - Where have you been staying while you're in GA? With Nick's parents in Maple Ridge. They have a room for the kids and a room for us! (we also went to the beach for a week with Dianna's family...)
#6 - How are you doing financially? God has certainly been faithful to take care of us financially. We have numerous monthly supporters (many of you who faithfully read our blog also faithfully give to support us financially - thank you!!). What comes in each month nearly covers our expenses. There are usually one or 2 unexpected gifts that come in that cover the little bit that doesn't quite match up. So, if you're asking if we need you to send us money -- we say (with huge smiles), only if God is leading you to give. God is going to take care of us...He may want to use you to be a part of that provision...or He may want to use you to take care of another ministry/missionary/need. Just do what He's telling you....we'll all be ok :) (if you do happen to feel lead to give, click here to join in God's provision for us )
#7 What's been the best thing you've eaten since being home? Nick: Steak & Caesar Salad Dianna: Carrabba's bread Eli: Chicken Nuggets Caroline: Ramen Noodles, Grapes Emma: Macaroni & Cheese!
#8- Are you ready to go back? a BIG "no" and A BIG "yes" all at the same time. We are looking forward to being back on the ship - we're ready for routine and we're looking forward to getting back to "our space." It's strange to think about what "normal" has become...but, regardless of how strange it is, we're ready to get back to our normal! BUT it is hard to leave here (in some ways it's harder to leave this year than it was last year!).
#9 - Is there anything you need? There's nothing we need per se' - at least not that we know of/can think of. At some point this year the kids will need new shoes (but we've already had a generous offer from someone so those are taken care of). There are plenty of things we "want" (but can certainly do without!). For a list of those things (and instructions for how to send them to us), click here: things we like/wish we had in Africa We do need you to pray for us (see below)...and to continue to love us...and to send us mail (ok..I'm getting into wants again)
#10 - How can we pray for you? (secret: this is our favorite question) safe travel is always a good thing to pray for...(we'll be flying this Saturday and Sunday). Please pray for friendships and for our community on the ship. The Africa Mercy houses so many wonderful people...we want to connect well and invest well. We want to love the people that God puts in front of us - deeply, whole-heartedly and with a willingness to take risks - whether that person is in front of us for 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years or 2 decades. Please pray for us as we parent our children and help them to be who God created them to be. For other ways to pray, click here: ways to pray
We've really had a great time these past 4 weeks. It's been such a strange mix of feelings, emotions and experiences...blessings & challenges, sadness & joy, rest & exhaustion, full & empty.
Thanks to so many of you for making our time here so special....thank you for sharing life with us and being a part of our journey.
Surely there will be more to come.
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