19 February 2013


Just got to see the 60 minutes piece...

After it ended I said to a friend, "it's amazing that something like a million people got to see that!"

He said, "um...I think it was more like 13 million...and another 20 million that saw it on CBS news last night."

What?!  That's crazy.  I have no concept of 13 million people...(i know that sounds pretty pitiful...but i really don't) - definitely can't wrap my mind around 20 million....

It's AMAZING that MILLIONS of people got to hear that they are not rubbish - that no one here on earth is rubbish!  It's amazing that "the church" got a nice shout out - as one of the main ways the crew on the ship are supported.  It's amazing that the world got a taste of Jesus - whether they recognize it as such or not isn't really relevant in my mind.  HOPE and HEALING entered millions of homes... the Light and Truth and Love of Jesus went into millions of ears and hearts and minds. 

God, will you do something miraculous with the seeds that were planted Sunday night through the 60 Minutes segment and the ones that have been planted so far this week through other news reports and articles?  Please grow beautiful things for Your Kingdom! 

If you happened to miss it, or just want to watch it again, Here's a link to CBS' website.  There are also some "extra" segments that are worth watching.    (I hope all the links in this post work...I wasn't able to test them before I hit "publish").

And now THIS is 60 Minutes' cover photo on Facebook: 

That's pretty cool.
And other people are writing stories about what they saw on 60 Minutes (or on the news...or the website...or SOMEWHERE...)
It's amazing. 
Thanks to all of you who watched the segment/advertised for it/shared it with others and thanks to all of you who sent encouraging words/facebook messages/emails/etc. afterwards.  I'm in a little bit  large amount of awe that we're here...doing this...associated with something that is getting world wide (or at least America wide!) attention - we're such a small part of an incredible work that God is doing...we're thankful to be that small part (and are very aware that we couldn't be here without the support of so many...so YOU are a part of it all, too.)
 To God be the Glory!
In other news, Nick should be home from the upcountry dental trip tomorrow evening!!!!!!  We're all really excited about that!
Surely there will be more to come!


  1. What an incredible amount of exposure...thanks for sharing this, Dianna.
    Pat and I watched the 60 minutes when it aired and it made us miss you guys all the more :) Big hugs from us back here in the States!
    The McHenry's
