28 August 2012

Breaking news!! (but you probably won't be as excited as I am)

One of the containers is here!!!!  Well, it's been here in Guinea for quite a while...today's the day it is HERE HERE...and being unloaded right now 5 (or so) decks below me!!!  We know that our stuff was put into at least 2 different containers - so we won't get everything today...but I am so excited about getting whatever is on this container!  It kind of feels like Christmas (especially cause I don't totally remember what all we packed)(funny how it all seemed absolutely essential at the time...).

The view from our window.  They've got the lines on the cover of the cargo hold ready for the crane to lift it up.

The men using ropes to help wrangle the cover and then the container into just the right position (yup, taken from our cabin)(sometimes there will just be a man randomly climbing up the side of the ship outside of our window)

2 containers on the dock (I ran outside and took a picture from Deck 7)(though we're not supposed to run on the ship...and we're not supposed to be barefoot.  Uh-oh...I broke 2 rules.).  The one on the right is about to be lifted up onto the ship (the one on the left is full of supplies for all sorts of things - the hospital, the Eye Team, the dental clinic, screening day, the ship shop)

The cover being lifted off of the cargo hold!

My snack of choice during the excitement. (my drink of choice = ice)

The container being lifted up and manuevered into the cargo hold.
You can't really tell...but this was taken during the few moments when I kind of thought the container was going to slam into our window.  Thankfully, that didn't happen.

The container being lowered ever so gently into the cargo hold. 

Thought you might enjoy another view from our window...we sure do - especially at sunset! 

Thanks for sharing in the excitement with me (my apologies if you were totally bored by this post!!).

Surely there will be more to come.

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